Targeted solutions for the manufacturing industry

Our tailored solutions are based on our unique understanding of risks that occur in the manufacturing industry.

Our solutions

Whether you are a carrier, broker, or employer engaged in manufacturing, trust Paradigm to be your partner in catastrophic injury management. We have built specialized clinical solutions for manufacturing claims, which include:

Specialized protocols for orthopedic, wound and infection management
State-of-the-art prosthetics programs in limb loss cases
In-depth ergonomic training and support
Work hardening, job modifications, and adaptive equipment that allow for return-to-work (RTW)
Behavioral intervention for PTSD and other obstacles that often interfere with recovery and RTW
Robust vocational assessment/rehabilitation to facilitate transitional work assignments, job skill development, and transferable skills identification

Outcomes assembled from years of data

An estimated 12% of Paradigm catastrophic workers’ compensation claims are associated with manufacturing operations. Caught-between injuries are common, typically resulting in trauma, including amputations, orthopedic injury, and organ damage. These costly and life-altering injuries pose unique challenges and have highly specific care needs. Paradigm understands what sets these injuries apart:


Attracting and retaining talent with advanced technical skills


Balancing increased automation and digital technologies with fewer human workers


An aging workforce—nearly 1/3 of the manufacturing workforce is over 55 years old


A challenging RTW process, especially if permanent limitations exist