Case management

More Paradigm Heroes Inspire Hope


You may remember the video we shared back in November that showcased some of our Paradigm Heroes—Bill Griffin, Valerie Tate and Nancy Vanveldhuizen —who show how truly courageous people can be. Today we would like you to meet more of our Paradigm Heroes to see what kind of outcomes are possible following a catastrophic injury.

Peter Cerevka

Peter Cerevka was working at a construction site when he fell 25 feet through a skylight. His recovery from a traumatic brain and spinal cord injury was a long road ahead of him and was further complicated by the fact that he spoke limited English.

Paradigm Network Manager Lynda Kirchner, RN, provided onsite assistance throughout his acute care and rehabilitation, while also working closely with Peter’s daughter and a translator to ensure Peter played an active role in his recovery. Thanks to his determination, combined with comprehensive treatment coordination, he now walks using leg braces and a walker and spends quality time with his wife, daughter and grandson.

Thomas Eckel

Thomas Eckel was driving home from work one day when he was in a head-on collision that left him in a coma. The doctors weren’t sure he would make it, but Thomas had other plans. With the help of Network Manager Dorothee Custer, RN, and the rest of the Paradigm team, Thomas gained early access to acute rehabilitation at Shepherd Center, a center of excellence in Atlanta. Later, they helped him make further strides in a community re-entry program near his home. Not only did this care help him recover from the traumatic brain injury, but he also returned to his favorite things: boating, sport fishing and working as an engineer. Tom is one of the many Paradigm Heroes who now pay it forward by volunteering and supporting other catastrophically injured people.

Walter Loving

Walter Loving was a truck driver who was involved in a near-fatal accident that crushed his legs, requiring an above-the-knee amputation. While some may have let this type of life-changing injury get the best of them, Walter was determined not to let that happen. With the help of Paradigm Network Manager Colleen Masslofsky, RN, Walter is now able to enjoy a quality of life similar to his pre-injury days. Beyond the typical care manager responsibilities, Colleen provided emotional support to Walter and his wife that they both relied on to make it through a difficult time. This devoted husband, father, grandfather and community volunteer is now back behind the wheel.

Gary Weinstein

To say Gary Weinstein is passionate about baseball would be an understatement. When he took a line drive ball to the head during his youth team’s batting practice, his skull was fractured in 18 places and caused internal bleeding. Doctors weren’t sure if he’d fully recover from the coma and risky brain surgeries. With support from Paradigm Network Manager Victoria Lines, RN, Gary learned how to swallow, talk and walk all over again. Gary has gone far beyond what anyone expected of his recovery; in fact, he bikes to work most days and hit .660 upon his return to softball.

All of our patients are Paradigm Heroes in their own right—beating the odds and working with their network manager to not only survive their accident, but to thrive in their new life. Every time an injured worker achieves the best possible outcome, we know we’re in the right business.

Find the complete case studies of all our Paradigm Heroes, and videos, on our website. To learn how Paradigm Outcomes can help improve the lives of your catastrophically injured workers, contact us at or call (800) 676-6777. Plus, find other care management resources online.