Care at Home

Case study: Prosthetics

Paradigm Certified Prosthetist Orthotist (CPO): Jan A. Saunders

Case history

This case was received five weeks after the injured worker lost both of his legs above the knee. He was in a well-respected rehabilitation center and was getting care, but when our in-house Certified Prosthetist Orthotist (CPO), Jan Saunders, reviewed the provider notes and prosthetics prescription, he had questions—and went looking for answers before proceeding.

Paradigm evaluation

Using our proprietary Tele-Connect video platform, Jan was able to remotely join the worker’s physical therapy (PT) session in real time to evaluate his mobility. Though the injured worker had been identified by the provider as a K-3 (active walker) before the injury, it was clear from the PT session and his comorbidities that he would be better served by a different prosthetic.

Paradigm’s plan

Leveraging our specialized expertise and hands-on approach, Jan worked directly with the providers, the adjuster, and the patient to start him off conservatively, with more traditional prostheses that better fit his current situation and significantly reduced costs.

A positive outcome

Two years later, the injured worker’s mobility has improved dramatically and the whole team is pleased with the successful outcome. For this referral, Paradigm’s solution cost just $45,000—compared to the original proposed cost of $250,000—for a savings of more than $200,000.